Hi. I’m Kaelin, and I’m a crafter. People tell me I’m supposed to specialize, but I really enjoy doing just about everything I try. So I’ve done lampwork, hot glass, blacksmithing, welding, quilting, gourmet cooking, spinning, knitting, dyeing, candle making, painting, charcoal drawing- well. You get the idea.

Currently, I’ve mostly narrowed my focus to two things.  I create hand forged art jewelry and I do coded creations. What do I mean by coded creations?

Well, I design, build, and host websites, I create iOS applications, I design logos and branding materials,  and I learn computer languages for fun.

In the past, I’ve worked my coding magic for my family and a few friends. It kinda changed when my friends then turned around and bragged about me to random strangers. Who then became clients. But then I really did have to specialize, because I realized something important. I want to help people like me. Crafters who need to get their work out where the world can see it, but who don’t have alot of extra time to learn about web stuff. (Yes, that’s a technical term.)

So if you are a crafter of anything- baked goods, soap, robotic widgets that do random stuff- I want to help you do your best on the web. I know what it’s like to wear thirty hats in the course of the day. You’re a salesperson, an artist, a creator, and an accountant. Do you really have time to figure out that SEO stuff? Or how to securely process credit cards? I’m guessing no. But I know how to do that stuff, and I want to help you.

Welcome to Kaelin Web Design.